Randy’s Body Shop – Brand Promise

Randy’s Body Shop is built on integrity of service for you, our customer, and that means transparent, easy-to-access service. Our highly-trained experts and state-of-the-art technology allows us to keep your car up to manufacturer standards, and on the road!

Randy’s Body Shop – Brand Voice

Randy’s is about being here when we’re needed – that means no technical talk, and no complicated processes. Accidents are always a surprise and dealing with them can be overwhelming. Randy’s communications should be easily accessible and all about the needs of the end-user…the customer who just needs their car back to pristine condition and back on the road.

Logo & Colors

Randy’s logo is unique in that it’s as colorful and dynamic as their services. This means that only in special cases will any “variant” of the logo be used. All traditional designs should start with the primary logo.

Because the logo is so colorful, the complimentary color design for Randy’s is very simple. A bold red is used as an accent color, usually paired with rich, colorful photography.

Randy's Body Shop

Accent Color:



Randy’s typography is about impact…no pun intended. Bold headlines that highlight the major takeaway from a communication, and paragraph copy in which clarity is top priority.

